Today we rode 70 miles without services before reaching Brawley and finally El Centro, CA.
The ride started out in Palo Verde where we quickly exited town and found ourselves riding along fields with what appeared to be irrigation canals running alongside the road. We then hit a stretch of desert with small brush and reddish colored dirt as far as I could see. When we crossed into the ever so small town of Glamis we suddenly found ourselves riding though Sand Dunes that quickly appeared on both sides of the road with giant dunes on the left side and smaller dunes off to the right. I was riding with Alex, Allison and Andrew at the time and we stopped to walk around in the sand and take pictures. I found the sand to be more solid than I expected it to be as walking on it only left faint footprints. While we were stopped Anish, Jon, James and Sehee caught up to us after they had stopped to put air in Jon’s tire just prior to Glamis. When we exited the dunes we were in an area that again looked like desert. At our final water stop before lunch (about 25 miles outside of Brawley) we found ourselves right near the Chocolate Mountain Naval Res. and rode for about two miles with jets circling in the sky above. As we entered Brawley it amazed me how fast we went from desert like conditions to land significantly more agricultural with crops and green fields. We literally crossed one road and all of a sudden everything was green!

After dinner I worked on transcribing more video for the Portrait Project. Clay one of the Ministers at the church stopped by with cookie dough, ice cream and root beer for us to make root beer floats. To clarify we ate the cookie dough and did not put it in our root beer floats. After enjoying our root beer floats most of us headed to bed. Tomorrow is our last off day with San Diego just three days away.
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