Today was our last off day of the trip. To me it’s sad to see this journey coming to an end as I feel I’ve met and continue to meet so many amazing people whom I will miss a lot. This morning despite the off day I woke up at 6:45 a.m. however not feeling the need to get up right away I stayed in my sleeping bag listening to my iPod for awhile. Around 8:00 I got up, had a pop-tart and continued working on transcribing video for the Portrait Project. This basically entails listening to the audio of one of our Portrait Project interviews and transcribing everything the subject says so we can later go through and take out quotes. I’m rather excited to see how the final project will turn out!
Around 10:30 I headed to the grocery store with Dan and Jon. Along the way we met up with Drew who joined us on our walk to Von’s. Once there we bought bagels, fruit and other food items then headed to the picnic area in front of the store to enjoy it. After we finished eating Jon, Dan and I left and headed to Main Street to find a bookstore. Unable to find what he was looking for at the first bookstore Jon headed to find another while Dan and I headed back toward the Church.
Back at the church I spent a few hours transcribing video before Jon took over for me. It was still rather warm out however the heat was nothing new, so I decided to go for a bike ride. I rode through some of the neighborhoods around where we were staying at the church before finally making my way back to Von’s to buy food for dinner. On the way back I met up with Alex who was walking along the street. Once back at the church I helped her fill the big plastic tub with water so she could wash her clothes while I decided to clean off my bike.
I then went inside to dry off and eat dinner before heading back out to the gym behind the church to change the back tire on my bike. With close to 5,000 total miles on it (this includes pre-I4K) it has seen better days. Despite the wear it has held up good with my only flat on the back tire coming the day we rode into Chino Valley, Arizona when I pulled three staples out of it. It took me awhile to change it as my spare (the one I’d bought in Prescott, AZ) was new and didn’t seem to want to go on the rim. After putting a hole in my tube trying to put the tire on the first time I finally got it on the second try (with a new tube of course). When I got done I was covered in black grease so I took advantage of having real showers and showered before heading to bed.
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