Day 72: San Diego, California!
Starting out in NYC on May 25
th this day seemed so far away both in miles and in time, but here we are Day 72, in San Diego – it’s been an absolutely amazing summer!

This morning we got to sleep in
until 5:30 due to the fact that we only had 65 miles to cover. We woke up rolled up our sleeping bags and packed the van while our ride leaders (Jon, Nick,
Anish and James) along with Mark made us breakfast consisting of French Toast, eggs and sausage along with Milk galore as we were trying to use up anything that would spoil. By 7:30 we had everything cleaned up and packed and were ready to hit the road. We circled up like usual and I gave my
Mosher speech in the middle of the circle. I have to admit I read it from paper as I was afraid I’d end up in tears if I just winged it with it being the last day and all. We then took a few pictures before setting out one last time. We were very grateful to have Nick’s brother Brian join us to drive the van today so that we could all ride into San Diego together as a group. Zach also rejoined us overnight and rode in the van with Brian today.
I set off from
Campo with the Caboose and ride leaders. Less than a mile into the ride we came across the Slushy/Gas Station Crew (Keith, Brandt, Dan and Drew) stopped along the side of the road as Brandt had a flat. They assured us that they were
ok and we continued on our way.
The first part of the ride today was rolling hills before we hit our final “big” climb about eight miles into the ride. The second half of the ride was mostly downhill as we passed through many towns and even did a little highway riding as we approached the outskirts of San Diego. The ride went fairly well with the exception of one point where we were on the highway and saw signs telling bikers to exit the highway. Part of our group had already gone ahead but luckily we were able to take a parallel road and met up with them a few miles down the road.

With Brian driving the van, today was the first and only day in which we all got to ride together as a team. At a gas station about 3.5 miles from our destination at Mission Beach we met up with Don whom we had spoken with at the church yesterday. Don led us the final 3.5 miles to the waters edge at Mission Bay where we dipped our wheels in the ocean and took pictures while celebrating the moment. The whole day seemed a bit surreal. When we started out in May, August 4
th was just a far off date on the calendar, then riding all summer you loose track of the days and all of a sudden here it is August 4
th, and we’re in San Diego. I think it will take some time before I realize just what we have done. Atlantic to Pacific, East to West, NYC to San Diego on a bike – it still sounds kind of crazy – but we did it!

From Mission Beach Don led us on a trail around the Bay and over to De
Anza Cove where many parents, friends and San Diego
Illini Alumni were there to congratulate us. About ¾ of a mile before we entered De
Anza Cove, Nick’s brother was waiting for us with Nick’s little pink trike, a cape and goggles! In case you’re out of the loop, Nick has said all along that he would ride a big wheel across the country and thus wanted to finish the ride riding into the ocean on a big wheel. While that
didn’t happen his brother bought a little pink trike with training wheels for him to finish the ride on. We stopped so that Nick could put Gilligan (his bike) into the van which Brian had already unloaded at De
Anza Cove, and throw on the cape and goggles. He then set off with his brother blaring Eye of the Tiger on the van speakers!
It was awesome to enter the park and see all the orange and blue as we passed through the finish line that the Alumni

had set up for us, slapping hands with our supporters on the way through. The San Diego University of Illinois Alumni Club had a picnic
barbeque waiting for us upon arrival and all present had smiles on their faces despite the fact that we were about two hours late arriving as navigating the streets between
Campo and San Diego took longer than we had expected. It was close to 3 pm when arrived and we enjoyed a picnic lunch with the alumni, family and friends who had showed up to congratulate us. After we all ate one of the Alumni sang for us singing Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York before the San Diego
Illini Alumni Club presented our group with a check for $2,500 – Thank You San Diego Alumni! The also gave us each an orange San Diego
Illini hat while
Anish’s parents presented us with team photos taken when we were in
Chebanse, Illinois.
It was then time to crown the beard off champion!
Hatim, who did not ride but did a lot of behind the scenes work with the
Illini 4000, was there to measure the beards of our three beard off survivors - Sean, Mike and Nick. While he may not have won on length, Nick won the fan vote and was crowned 2007
Illini 4000 beard off champion winning a San Diego
Illini t-shirt. We then had cake and hung out a little longer before people began to disperse.

I had to get my bike to a bike shop to ship back to New York so around 5:30 we put my bike in the van and
Anish dropped me off at Bicycle Discovery north of Mission Bay where I then spent the next hour packing my bike in a box to FedEx home. Oddly enough it really
didn’t hit me until I was packing my bike that I won’t be riding tomorrow and that we are really here in San Diego. It’s sad in a way as today may have been the last time we were all together as a group, it’s definitely something that’s going to take getting use to after having spent the past 72 days together 24/7. I spent so long packing my bike that the bike shop gave me a break on the shipping cost – which is kind of funny because with it being the first time I’d ever packed a bike I really had no idea what I was doing! I then walked around a bit, took pictures of the pacific ocean as the sun was starting to set and wondered some more as I waited for Nick and James to take the rest of the bikes to Mr. Giles house before coming to pick me up. Mr. Giles is a University of Illinois Alum who generously offered to let us keep our bikes at his house until Monday when we will pack them in the van to take back to Chicago. I walked a ways down Grand Street before flagging down Nick and James and heading back to
DeAnza Cove where the picnic was winding down with only a few people left. We repacked the van and said our goodbyes to Jon and Zach before James drove them to the airport to catch their evening flights back to Chicago. I then went to dinner at On the Boarder with Alex, Nick (and his family) along with Allen,
Mayank and Jeremy (all friends of our ride leaders from Illinois who are now in California).

Our housing arrangement in San Diego is with Jared a University of San Diego student whom generously volunteered to house us at his apartment.
Anish’s mother had called the University to see if it would be possible to get housing for us in a dorm while we were in San Diego. Jared just happened to answer her phone call and told her while the University was unable to house us he would be willing to let us stay at his place! Allison, Mike and Mark had made other housing arrangements and a few riders are staying with their parents who flew into San Diego but the majority of us are at Jared’s. It’s a bit cramped but after spending our first night of the summer in Manhattan where we all managed to sleep in a one room studio this is nothing. I’m absolutely beat so I think I’m going to go shower and head to bed. I still can’t believe we’
ve finished. It’s been an amazing journey! I will now spend the next three days in San Diego before flying home late Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I’m not sure what I will do in that time but it will be odd not riding my bicycle.
Thank you to everyone for their support, both at home and on the road and to our ride leaders for all their hard work in making this ride a reality. Last but not least, to all the amazing people that we’
ve meet this summer who have been affected by cancer, stay strong and stay positive – you have inspired me each and every day and will continue to do so in the months and years ahead.
Take care,
Moxley (
bikexc at
gmail dot com)

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