Hello and Merry Christmas! Today is July 24th and we are celebrating Christmas in July! We would have celebrated on July 25th but Zach leaves us tomorrow morning and we wanted to share our Christmas in July festivities with him.
This morning we woke up at the Grand Canyon packed up camp and enjoyed Peanut Butter and Jelly for breakfast before getting on the road toward Williams, Arizona. It was my day to drive so after the group left I did one final sweep of the campsite to make sure nothing was forgotten before getting on the road. I had company in the van today as Zach is still with us so we enjoyed some old school songs on my iPod as we got on the road. Let's just say my music collection from HS was merged into my iTunes collection and thus are on my iPod.
At our first water stop just past Tusayan I had Brandt check the van as the speedometer had not been working. After a few minutes he was able to get it working however noticed that the gas seemed low so after making sure everyone was set I headed back to Tusayan to put some gas in the tank. Gas in Tusayan was $3.69, knowing that was a bit on the steep side due to Tusayan being right outside the Canyon I opted to only put enough in to get us to our destination.

Once in Williams Zach and I found the church fairly easily and then found the rest of the team at a thrift shop where they were shopping for Christmas in July gifts. For our Christmas in July celebration we had each picked a name out of a hat while in Monticello, UT and had to find a gift for our person under $5.00. Upon hearing what we were doing the woman in the thrift store offered to let us borrow whatever we wanted and told us she would pick it up at our host church the following day. Alex, Allison and I all decided we would dress up for our Christmas in July dinner and each picked out dresses to wear. I also found a CD of Christmas music to play. While I was in the thrift shop Dan arrived and told me that Drew had a flat and needed a lift. I found Drew sitting alongside the road with Keith about six miles outside of Williams patiently waiting for my arrival. After loading Drew’s bike on the roof and giving Keith my cell phone in case he needed anything Drew and I drove on to Williams chalking the way for Keith.

Dinner consisted of carrots, greens, rice and chicken with hot apple cider to drink. We then had Mark’s cookies and milk for dessert! After we were done eating we took turns going around the table passing out our gifts. I was Sean’s “secret Santa” and had gotten him a book on Cactus’s from the Grand Canyon, a sesame street Christmas coloring book (he and Andrew had a good time coloring in Hite, UT), crayons, silly putty, a little toy I found that looked like a giant Lego man, and a candy bar. Mike was my Santa and gave me a pair of sunglasses, a Cactus Egg Greenhouse and Sour Jelly Belly’s (Mark’s nickname for me is Sour Sandy). And that was our Christmas in July. Goodnight and Merry Christmas eve!
The following photos are from our Christmas in July celebration.

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