Once we got on the road it got hot fast and most people had finished both of their water bottles by our first water stop at mile 18. After our second water stop at mile 30 Alex, Sehee and I made an exciting discovery alongside the road while riding. We found FOOD! Now while the thought of eating food off the side of the road may gross the majority of people out you have to understand, we are in the middle of the desert, it’s day 58, and we’ve been living off of peanut butter & jelly, pasta, and ugali for the most part. So we reacted like little children at the sight of FREE snack food dropping our bikes on the side of the road and running back to check it out. Meanwhile… Andrew who was driving the van and had just given us water at the water stop five miles back comes driving by with Zach. I can only imagine what they thought as they approached us scurrying around on the side of the road jumping up and down at our discovery! Among our findings were unopened boxes of Cheese-It, Triscuit, Wheat Thins, Gram Crackers and a new sealed jar of Strawberry Jelly. Thankfully Andrew came by just as we were pondering how we were going to carry our findings and we threw it all into the van.
Our next stop was in a small town called Gap where I stocked up on fluid downing a small 12 oz. jug of 2% milk and a peach Snapple while also eating a Reese’s Fast Break bar for some quick sugar energy. Alex, Sehee and I left Gap and cruised the next 16 miles to our lunch stop where we stopped for about five minutes before continuing on to Cameron. When we reached Cameron we stopped at a Shell station to ask for directions. Once we got to the church we found that it was locked and that the pastor would not be returning until late in the evening so we sat in the shade of the front overhang for awhile before a group of us headed to the grocery store to buy food for dinner.

Around 8:30 pm we began to head to bed with another 4:00 am wake up in the morning as we head to our final National Park the Grand Canyon!
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