Long story short and related to my prior post about my surgery, Bassett Healthcare and United Healthcare do not seem to be getting along regarding my bill and it looks like I may end up having to pay all of the bills related to my tumor removal as an out-of-network patient (despite the fact that I have documented proof that my doctors and hospital were listed as in-network when I checked prior to all of this - and still are). So as a starting point I think I'll start collecting the recyclables (bottles and cans) I find along the road when cycling to put toward my bill. If anyone knows where I can find 176,880 bottles or cans, or would like me to pick up their recyclables that would be lovely - unless of course I can get them to Michigan then I'd only need 88,440! If a Colorado college student can pay his tuition bill in pennies, I can pay my medical bill with nickels...
**Update** Based on my documented evidence my insurance company has agreed to cover the difference between in-network and out-of-network for surgeon and anesthesiologist charges - of course these are the
smaller charges on my bill but somethings better than nothing! Only 125,098 more bottles/cans! :)
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