Waking up to rain this morning things were a bit gloomy as it was wet and damp. However everyone perked up at the smell of the wonderful breakfast Florence was cooking for us. Florence has been amazing in the little time that we have known her, to take a group of not one but 18 young adults whom she didn’t even know existed prior to yesterday, provide us with hospitality and cook for us – all I can say is Thank You Florence!
Zach left us this morning and is headed back to Stanford to finish up his degree he will be rejoining us in a few weeks. After breakfast Florence took him to catch his train while the van took Brian to get medical attention as he seems to have developed a case of hives. The ride out of Hawley was rather uneventful (ie no flats!) – although Anish does claim he saw a bear! Thankfully it did not see us.

After dinner Pastor Chuck took some of us to his house to shower while others showered at the Church house where we spent the night. Tomorrow we are off to Wellsboro, PA where Drew will join us. A 90+ mile day through some with many climbs, off to bed I go.
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