Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mt. Jewett & Ice Cream

Day 5: Kane, PA

This morning we got up early and hit the road for a 99 mile day. We covered the first 30 miles in about two hours with the terrain being a bit easier than what we have seen in the past few days. After lunch it got a bit more difficult as we climbed Mt. Jewett - supposedly our last major climb in Pennsylvania. The van had told us at our last water stop before the climb that there was a reward at the top of Mt. Jewett and sure enough when we reached the top there it was – “My Sister’s Place” an ice cream stand where we stopped to enjoy ice cream before the final push to Kane. After lunch my legs felt rather tired however thank to Alex, Brian and Nick (our awesome caboose today) I was able to push myself up the mountain and felt much better after our ice cream stop. We even stopped midway up the mountain to celebrate mile number 300 with a granola bar party!

Once we reached our host the Methodist Episcopal Church of Kane we were welcomed with a wonderful dinner of chicken and pasta, followed by brownie sundae’s for dessert!

Tomorrow is an off day and Alex and I are getting up early as the local high school has invited us to their morning free swim which will allow us a chance to swim and shower!

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